The Rose Ensemble, based in St. Paul, Minnesota, was originally founded by Jordan Sramek in 1996. [1] The group, which is primarily vocal, specializes in medieval to modern music from around the world, occasionally commissioning new pieces following the older styles.[2] Their music spans 1,000 years and 25 languages, with more songs on the way.[3] The history of their music is carefully researched, with each CD containing an overview of where the music originally came from and when it was originally performed. Each member has been celebrated for their ability to sing as soloists as well as in a group, and Sramek has been lauded for his groundbreaking research. [4]
The Rose Ensemble also offers a variety of educational programs. They offer three programs at the K-12 level, (Music From the Land of Three Faiths: Discovering Ancient Harmonies Across Cultures, Borders, and Religions; Celebremos! Musical Collaboration in Colonial Baroque Mexico; and Hawai'i Revealed: Music from the Soul of the Hawaiian Saga), three college workshops (Master Classes; Medieval Music: Harmony of the Spheres; and Ensemble Singing: It's All About Blend) and four adult workshops (Gregorian Chant: No you don't have to be a monk; Renaissance Music: Beyond Merry Maids and fa-la-la; Music Research: Where did you find that music?; and Ensemble Singing Workshop: It's all about blend - advanced).[5]
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